Professional consulting in Information Technology
IT-SKYLINE SIA company provides solutions and services in information technology.


We offer consulting and project management in the field of Information Technology, paying particular attention to confidentiality when working with client data.

IT-SKYLINE SIA has over 20 years of experience in:

IT consulting

We will help you develop a strategy for obtaining an expert assessment of the effectiveness of the use of information technology in your company.

IT Service Management

We can provide complete administration of your company and manage all IT processes.

IT solutions

If you are looking for IT solutions and need a free IT consultation, please contact us.

Vulnerability assessment

We can help with security audits, such as vulnerability and IT stability checks, and provide recommendations on how to fix discovered vulnerabilities.

Cloud migration

Migration of on-premise IT infrastructure to the Microsoft cloud and integration of systems with the cloud.

IT security training

One of the new and interesting solutions is the training of company personnel on the safe use of computers, applications and programs.


Legal address: Martiņa iela 10 - 2,
Katlakalns, Kekavas novads, LV2111, Latvia
Registration number: 40103869733
Phone: +371 22 320 448
E-mail: [email protected]
